Jerry Apps

Weblog for author, Jerry Apps.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wild Turkeys

The other day I was walking in my field, checking on some trees I'd planted back in April. The grass was knee high and I was concentrating on finding trees when a wild turkey hen exploded up in front of me, her huge wings pounding the air. I was no more than six feet from her. Slowly I walked to where she'd flown up and saw the grass moving in every direction. Little turkeys were trying to hide. All except one. It sat there looking up at me, it's big brown eyes checking me out. Not moving. Not doing what his nest-mates had done. Taking a chance. There's always one.

I quickly walked away because I knew the hen was watching me from the top of the hill and would return to her little family--not so small, there must have been a dozen of them.

The Old Timer Says: "Don't forget the importance of a good example."

Upcoming Events:

Farm Technology Days, Greenleaf, WI Wednesday, July 16, 12:00. "Stories From The Land."

Farm Technology Days, Greenleaf, WI Thursday, July 17, 11:00 AM "Stories From the Land."

Garden Tour and Book Signing, Governor's Mansion, Madison. Thursday, July 17 4:30-6:00 PM
